Friday, August 17, 2007

Summer re-cap

Ahhh, returning from a lovely week in the Northeast to find that everything is dead in Nashville. Sweet. We have been having the worst drought I've ever experienced in 20 yrs of living here. Bummer. Good news. I missed the first week of 100+ temperatures so I guess I should SHUTUP.

Actual Ahhh.... Maine is amazing. We were there in July to play in Acadia park, but Ben didn't get to go 'cause he was at camp. We had two other bookings up there in Aug. so Ben came up with the idea to rent an RV 

and cruise around in ME for five days before the gigs. GREAT IDEA!

The first three days Doug, Ben and I all had a whole lobster every supper. Eventually we tried some other great seafood, and sampled chowders from umpteen places. I feel like Maine is one of the few places where local fare is really still that. I have always loved going to particular cities and enjoying their specific favorites. Seems like that's harder to find now. I wonder if it has to do with our infatuation with the cooking shows and all the competitive dining. It's kind of a shame I think.

My one big wish was to see blueberries growing. We went for a hike up Cadillac Mt. and after about 18 steps they were everywhere. It was a dream come true. I even randomly had a  ziploc bag in my backpack so we had them on on cereal at the campsites every morning. Yay!

We  took some sidetrips to some of the fishing ports and really got a feel for the lifestyle there. OK, I'm in love with it, but don't think I don't realize what it must take to make it through the winters. 

Our shows up there were completely unique. What I mean is, they were very different from each other. That is actually one of the things I love about "live shows" in smaller venues. The audience really helps to direct the way a show goes. the Stone Mountain Arts Center is one of the BEST places I've ever performed. Carol Noonan conceived the concept and followed through with a pretty-much perfect music hall. It is lovely, acoustically awesome and they have nice people taking care of the listeners and the musicians. It is full of love. Not exaggerating.

Jonathan's was cool too. It was kind of a wild night with a lot of audience input. Kind of took me back to my old bar days. I had fun trying to keep things in line. Sometimes it felt like a press conference/request show... odd but fun.

Club Passim in Cambridge, MA was a true flashback. I hadn't played there since 1983 and it hasn't changed a lick. Nice new paint, simple but awesome acoustics and a group of people convened  to listen to music and appreciating every nuance. A little intimidating but I was ready, because I played there 24 yrs. ago. Hats off to you fine folks out there who have continued to keep the doors open. We are starved for these sweet venues. You and I both. The support that we give them is good for all parties concerned... me thinks

I am counting down to the release day. I had a manicure the other day and when I was setting another appt. I realized that I had completely missed next week. I thought that next weekend was Labor Day already. I have so much to do and I was so relieved that I started happy hour at four o'clock. I mean, after all, I have seven bonus days! Woohoo!

Thank you all for being so patient with me as Doug and I learn how to be record company execs. It takes more time than making the music, but it's really been fun sharing the process with you. Hope you are liking the webisodes. I put on makeup on weekdays for those.(I give and I

I'd like to wind up with this poem:

"Summer" by Elizabeth Abigail McIntyre


It's hot!


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